Monday, November 24, 2014

12b) Revision of Magazine Advertisement

Here is the presentation from class: Click Here

Reflection is Important! Far too often, we do not reflect and evaluate on our own creations.

Written Critique Assignment:

  • Look at a classmate’s magazine design and write a 5 - 10 sentence critique about what is successful and what could be done better. 
  • Include at least 3 changes they could make
  • Refer to composition and use of text guidelines
  • Link to their magazine design on your blog critique 

Revision Assignment:
  • Revise your artwork based on suggestions from you classmate
  • Post your revised magazine design with a copy of your classmates written critique to your own blog
  • Write a paragraph describing how you responded to their feedback
  • You may go beyond their feedback and use your own evaluative abilities as well.

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