Monday, November 24, 2014

12a) Composition & Text: Magazine Advertisements

When you include text in an image you must be very mindful. Here is the powerpoint from class for including text in images: Click Here

When you create a layout for an advertisement, magazine cover, or other print document you must me aware of composition. Here is the powerpoint on composition: Click Here

Here are the assigned shots for your "Composition Shoot"

  1. Use the whole space.
  2. Run off three or more edges.
  3. Use a variety of shapes & sizes.
  4. Repeat shapes.
  5. Use a focal point.
  6. Overlap to create depth.
  7. S-Curve.
  8. Make the negative space interesting.
  9. Rule of Thirds.

Custom Fonts can be found here:

After you have been assigned a theme for a font you need to watch this video and install a custom font (the video is for Mac, unfortunately we cannot do this part of the project on the PCs since we don't have administrator rights):

Next, you need to use the type mask tool to create text with an image within it. Here is the tutorial:

Now for the big project:
You must create a magazine style advertisement that includes/addresses the following:
  • Title Text in one font
    • Font usage rules
  • Body Text in another font
    • Font usage rules
  • 2 - 5 photos Photoshopped together (that you have taken)
  • A distinct gaze position
  • Rules of composition
  • 9" x 12"
  • This advertisement must address a learner profile aspect: Click Here for List

You must also create a magazine advertisement for a specific product
  • Title Text in one font
    • Font usage rules
  • Body Text in another font
    • Font usage rules
  • 2 - 5 photos Photoshopped together (that you have taken)
  • The product must be photographed in the tent with proper lighting
    • You can chose the product; bring it in for next class
  • A distinct gaze position
  • 9" x 12"

14b) Stop Motion Project

Today you should complete shooting your last stop-motion project.

  • 400 - 600 Frames
  • Intro Title
  • Optional: Music added - with citation as an end credit- click this link here to see citation format
    • Check out Incompetech for royalty free/creative commons music.
      Check out Free Sound Project for free sound effects (you must register at this site).
  • Posted to youtube:
    • Posting and Embedding your Video on your Blog
      Go to Youtube and sign in using your gmail/google credentials

      Click the upload button

      Drag your video into the web browser

      Click "Share" then Click "Embed"

       First switch to HTML mode, then paste the embedding code at the very top. Then click publish.

When finished write a 3 paragraph reflection on the class. What were your favorite/least favorite projects and why? What were the most useful things you learned that you can use beyond this class?

12b) Revision of Magazine Advertisement

Here is the presentation from class: Click Here

Reflection is Important! Far too often, we do not reflect and evaluate on our own creations.

Written Critique Assignment:

  • Look at a classmate’s magazine design and write a 5 - 10 sentence critique about what is successful and what could be done better. 
  • Include at least 3 changes they could make
  • Refer to composition and use of text guidelines
  • Link to their magazine design on your blog critique 

Revision Assignment:
  • Revise your artwork based on suggestions from you classmate
  • Post your revised magazine design with a copy of your classmates written critique to your own blog
  • Write a paragraph describing how you responded to their feedback
  • You may go beyond their feedback and use your own evaluative abilities as well.

14a) Stop Motion Practice

Today we will create a basic practice stop motion project. It should have 100 - 200 frames or separate photos. Once you have taken all of the photos follow these steps:

1) Open Photoshop and run the image processor:

 2) Select your source folder with your sorted photographs, then select the resize to fit option and set it to W: 1080 and H: 720. Then click run.

 3) When your images are done processing, quit Photoshop and launch Premiere. Create a new project and when you are prompted to create a new sequence choose the following settings:

 4) Then go into the Premiere menu>Preference>General

5) At this point you need to experiment with the still image default duration. I have set it to 2 frames. The smaller the number the quicker the image playback.

 6) Next go to the menu and select File>Import. Then go to the folder where all your photos have been image processed to. Select one image by clicking on it. Then execute the following keystroke to "select all": Command-A. Click "Open"

 7) Your images will appear in the project browser in the bottom left of the workspace:

 8) Click on one of the images and then keystroke "Command-A" to "Select all". Then click and drag the images into the timeline. At this point you can play everything back and see how it looks. If it runs too fast or too slow you will need to scrap the project, and go back to step 3. Don't worry, it will be very quick and easy the second time through!

Optional Exit Activity:
You need to bring in objects to use in your final animation project on Monday.
Write on your blog: What are several objects you will bring in on Monday that represent your personality/identity visually. How will you use them in an animation?

13a) Creating a Slideshow in Premiere

Creating a Slideshow in Adobe Premiere
For this assignment you will need to create a video slideshow of your work in Adobe Premiere.

5 - 10 photos your best work!
An intro title
Basic clip animation
Video transitions
5 - 10 sentence written reflection on your blog: What were your favorite projects during this course? Least favorite? Why? What did you learn? How can you apply this knowledge after high school?

Here is a video tutorial that will show you how to create a slideshow in Premiere, if you skip to 14:30 the instructions to export are explained.

13) Posting to Youtube & Embedding Video on your Blog

  • Posted to youtube:
    • Posting and Embedding your Video on your Blog
      Go to Youtube and sign in using your gmail/google credentials

      Click the upload button

      Drag your video into the web browser

      Click "Share" then Click "Embed"

       First switch to HTML mode, then paste the embedding code at the very top. Then click publish.

12c) Comic Sans Reflection

Visit the following link and then write a short essay response on your blog that explains why it is important to choose an appropriate typeface (font):