Tuesday, July 1, 2014

11a) Re-Contextualization and Gaze Position

Here is the PowerPoint that introduces the concepts of Gaze Position and Re-Contextualization: Click Here

Your assignment:

  • Create a blog post defining in (full sentences) your own words: Gaze Position and Re-Contextualization.
  • Your project will be to re-contextualize images or symbols to change the gaze position. This can be funny, critical, or absurd. Use Photoshop tools you have learned to change the images at least 50%. Create at least 3 - 5 different sets of re-contextualized images.
  • Post your original image or symbol, and then post your re-contextualized version. 
    • Include a 5 paragraph reflection about how you re-contextualized the image and why you made the decisions that you made. Explain what the gaze position originally was of the symbol or image, and what the gaze position is now that you have changed it.

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