Tuesday, July 1, 2014

1) Blog Creation

Here is a short video tutorial that will guide you through the creation of a blog:

If you prefer to create you blog with step by step instructions here they are:

1. Go to blogger.com and click "Sign Up"

2. Fill out the following information. Enter your cell phone number for verification. Borrow a classmates cell phone if you need to; you can use one phone for multiple accounts. WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD AND PUT IT IN YOUR WALLET. If you lose your username and password I can't help you and you will lose your blog.

3. Then click "Next Step"

4. Click "Back to Blogger"

5. Click "Continue to Blogger"

6. Click "New Blog"

7. Chose a title for your blog; this can be anything school appropriate, something like "Brandt's Photos" is fine. Then choose your address. This must be 100% unique, like an email address, so you may need to add numbers at the end of it to make it unique. When it is unique a blue/white checkmark box will appear to the right. The class blog is online at "scp2013.blogspot.com". The ".blogspot.com" is added automatically. When you complete this step come and type your blog address into Mr. Brandt's computer. Then click "Create Blog"

8. Click "New Post"

9. Title your post something descriptive. Then type what you would like to say on your blog post.

10. Click the little picture icon to upload a picture.

11. Click "Choose Files"

12. Select a jpeg formatted picture and click "Choose"

13. Let the file upload and then click "Add Selected"

14. Click update to finish your post. If you don't do this your post will not be saved and published.

 15. Your blog is complete; it has text and pictures. SUCCESS!

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