Tuesday, July 1, 2014

11b) Selective Cropping

Cropping can change the viewers interpretation of an image drastically.
Look at the image below and answer in short essay format on your blog:

  • How has the image been changed and what could be the possible hazards of this type of cropping?

Scroll Down

Scroll Down


Some images may be abstract, yet still pleasing as a composition. Your assignment is to take 10 photographs and crop them down to something that is barely recognizable. Post them on your blog with the cropped image and the original image. Post them with spacing between the cropped and original image so you can see the cropped image first, and then you must scroll down to see the original image.

Here is an example from an iPhone game:
iPhone Screenshot 1

iPhone Screenshot 2

11a) Re-Contextualization and Gaze Position

Here is the PowerPoint that introduces the concepts of Gaze Position and Re-Contextualization: Click Here

Your assignment:

  • Create a blog post defining in (full sentences) your own words: Gaze Position and Re-Contextualization.
  • Your project will be to re-contextualize images or symbols to change the gaze position. This can be funny, critical, or absurd. Use Photoshop tools you have learned to change the images at least 50%. Create at least 3 - 5 different sets of re-contextualized images.
  • Post your original image or symbol, and then post your re-contextualized version. 
    • Include a 5 paragraph reflection about how you re-contextualized the image and why you made the decisions that you made. Explain what the gaze position originally was of the symbol or image, and what the gaze position is now that you have changed it.

9) Aperture and Depth of Field

You can control depth of field in an image by adjusting your aperture.
Click here for the PowerPoint on Aperture and Depth of Field

You need the following shots:

  • Shallow depth of field (demonstrating the "bokeh" effect)
  • Medium depth of field
  • Deep depth of field
  • Crop and adjust brightness/contrast/hue/saturation and post to your blog with the following:
    • A description of each shot (refer to depth of field) with the aperture settings for each shot.
    • If you forgot your aperture settings: open the file in Photoshop and go into the File menu. Select "File Info" and then go to the camera data tab. You will see a section that has exposure information and the aperture setting of the photo will be listed.

10a) Still Life

Here are two images from a painter called Audrey Flack. She has used objects arranged in a classic "still-life" setup. The first image depicts Marilyn Monroe. Look closely at the objects and try and interpret their significance.

The second painting shows Audrey Flack's personal connection with paint.

Start thinking about objects you can bring in that you will photograph as a form of still life/symbolic self-portrait.


1. On your blog write 8 - 10 items that you can bring and why they are important to you - Flat objects are no good.

2. Photograph your subjects in a variety of arrangements on the fabric background. 

3. Shoot with overhead lights and standing lamps together, and separately.

4. Try different aperture settings and shutter speeds.

8c) Dove Evolution Writing

Watch this advertisement and then write a description of what you see. Then write why you think this much work is done to a model. What tools in Photoshop have been used? (It's not actually Photoshop that is being used, but the tools/techniques are pretty much the same). Then write what you think may result from this type of message. Cite examples from the video.

8b Photoshop Effect

1. Read this Article: Click Here

2. Watch this youtube clip:

3. Answer in paragraph form: Should images of models that have been Photoshopped be labelled? Why or why not?

4. Answer in paragraph form: If steroids are illegal for athletes, should Photoshop be illegal for models?

8a) Spot the Difference

People can use Photoshop in very deceptive ways:

Read this excerpt from the Washington Post website about what is going on here:
By Al Kamen
Friday, July 11, 2008

It's customary for nations to do a bit of chest-thumping as they are about to begin negotiations, which Iran has agreed to consider in a meeting next week with European Union official Javier Solana. The idea is to do something that your opponents will see as a sign of strength before talks begin, especially, in this case, when the talks involve your nuclear program.

This might explain the timing of Iran's latest missile tests Wednesday. It might also explain what appears to be a bit of Photoshop work by Tehran to ensure the images were just so.
A photo on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Web site distributed Wednesday by Agence France-Presse showed four missiles launched simultaneously. That photo appeared on various Web sites Wednesday, including those of the New York Times and BBC News, and on the front pages of a number of newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune.
The Associated Press and Reuters distributed similar photos, but they showed only three missiles. The Washington Post used a Reuters image in yesterday's paper.

Noted debunker Charles Johnson apparently spotted the photo doctoring Wednesday and posted it on his Web site, LittleGreenFootballs.com.

AFP, citing analysts' assessments, reported yesterday that the four-missile photo appeared to have had a little digital work done. "One of the missiles had apparently been added to the photograph using elements from the smoke trail and dust clouds from two of the other missiles," AFP said. The goal apparently was to cover up "a misfiring of one of the missiles," an expert told AFP.
Well, artistically, the three-missile shot used by The Post was clearly inferior. The symmetry was way off and all that. The gap between the middle missile and the one on the right is simply too large.
Artistic considerations aside, there are arms experts who say that multiple launches are seen as a way to overwhelm missile defense systems, and the Iranians may have wanted to illustrate that capability, as well.

Other Web sites reported that an Islamic Republic News Agency article Wednesday included a photo of what appears to be the same multiple missile launching. It was published in The Post in 2006. (Hey! We had it first!)

Writing Prompt: Is this a well written article? Why or why not? Use examples from the article to support your claim. 

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/10/AR2008071002709.html

Here is an image that has been Photoshopped by the North Korean government. What is wrong with this image?

For this assignment you will be required to change 20 aspects of an image. Some of these may be somewhat obvious to your audience, and some may be more sneaky. Once complete, post the changed version and the original version on your blog.


  • 20 Changes
  • Each change on a separate layer 
  • Label your layers
  • Duplicate your background
  • Use photographs, not drawings or paintings
  • Use high quality images from image search
  • Use clone stamp, selection tools/refine edge, add things, remove things, move things, change colors of things, etc...
  • Post the original image, the image with the differences, and a copy of the image with the differences highlighted with the paintbrush tool (as shown below).

Here is an example I have composed:

See if you can find all 20 changes to the image before you scroll down and find the differences in the original.

When you are finished, post the before, after, and highlighted differences:

7) Color Wheel Shoot

Color Wheel Photo Shoot:
Go out and shoot images that show as many colors of the color wheel as possible. At least get the primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Then Photoshop them into a single file and make it look like a color wheel (or rainbow). Try and keep color adjustment in Photoshop to a minimum. Make sure you adjust your white balance for the appropriate lighting. Here is a presentation that shows how to set white balance on your camera: Click Here


Here is a student example:

Next, read this article and write an explanation of RGB and CMYK color spaces. Cite examples from the article.

6d) Light Graffiti: Long Exposure

Your assignment:
Post the following 3 shots on your blog:
  • A drawing
  • Some writing
  • Multiple exposure
Answer the following questions:
  • Describe what changing your shutter speed does to your exposure.
  • What happens when the shutter remains open longer? Shorter?
  • What is the difference between 5" and 5 on the camera info screen?

This is a light graffiti image I created with a bunch of art teachers for fun. It is supposed to be a landscape with a river:

Here are our group shots that we made as a class:

6c) Exposure Settings

For the presentation about exposure controls: Click Here

6b) Tripod Lesson

For this assignment you will combine separate areas of an image into a single frame. This must be shot on a tripod so that shadows and lighting all align. You will get a demonstration on how to operate the tripod in class and you shuold have necessary skills with selection tools to combine the images in Photoshop.

6a) Photomontage & Zoom Control

Here are several examples of photomontages:


Batch Conversion:

First go to File>Scripts>Image Processor

 Then in the image processor window follow steps 1 - 5.

1. Click "Select Folder" and chose the folder with all your images in it.
2. Make sure "Save as JPEG" is selected.
3. Click "Resize to Fit" and set the Width to 300 px and the Height to 200 px.
4. Click Run.
5. Your shrunken jpgs will be in a folder titled "JPEG" inside of the folder where your original images are.

This tutorial will show you how to shoot and compile a photomontage. Watch the tutorial until the 2:30 mark before you take your pictures. Go out and shoot your pictures. Then return to the tutorial and keep watching.

5b) Becci Mansion

After watching the (RE)Touching video about Becci Mansion and her service, answer the following questions on your blog:

Why did Becci Mansion start this project?
How did she organize people to help with the cause?
How can you use your photo skills to help people you know?
Is her work important? Why or why not?

5a) Photo Retouching

Watch this retouching tutorial for guidance. Retouch the image below along with the video. Post the image in it's original damaged form, and then also post the version you restore. Then find another high quality image on your own and retouch it. Post the before and after pictures to your blog. Click on this image to maximize it's size, then download it.

  Here is a restoration gone wrong:

This was poorly restored with paint by hand, and not with Photoshop tools.

4) First Roll Shoot

Today you will go out and shoot your first "roll" of film. You need to capture the following shots:

  1. Backlighting
  2. Sidelighting
  3. Angle Up
  4. Angle Down
  5. Rule of Thirds
  6. Reflection
  7. Shadow
  8. Frame within a Frame
  9. Pattern
  10. Texture
  11. Perspective

Click here for a powerpoint with examples of each shot.

3) Pop Art Project

Here is a link to the presentation from class: Click Here
Requirements: use 3 different photos of yourself to create a pop art self-portrait. Make it an interesting composition that includes movement and contrast. This are a few examples from Mr. Brandt.

Here are the tutorials for creating pop art styled images in Photoshop:

First watch this video on selection tools and layers: 

Part 1

Part 2

2) Face Swap

  • Face swap
    • Get a single picture off of the internet of two or more people. It should be well lit. They should be looking the same direction with their faces. Swap the faces around in Photoshop. 
    • Here is a fantastic example. If you don't know who these guys are you may not even realize it has been Photoshopped:

    This is the best faceswap ever:

    • Here is a youtube tutorial I put together if you would like to go ahead in the lesson:

1) Blog Creation

Here is a short video tutorial that will guide you through the creation of a blog:

If you prefer to create you blog with step by step instructions here they are:

1. Go to blogger.com and click "Sign Up"

2. Fill out the following information. Enter your cell phone number for verification. Borrow a classmates cell phone if you need to; you can use one phone for multiple accounts. WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD AND PUT IT IN YOUR WALLET. If you lose your username and password I can't help you and you will lose your blog.

3. Then click "Next Step"

4. Click "Back to Blogger"

5. Click "Continue to Blogger"

6. Click "New Blog"

7. Chose a title for your blog; this can be anything school appropriate, something like "Brandt's Photos" is fine. Then choose your address. This must be 100% unique, like an email address, so you may need to add numbers at the end of it to make it unique. When it is unique a blue/white checkmark box will appear to the right. The class blog is online at "scp2013.blogspot.com". The ".blogspot.com" is added automatically. When you complete this step come and type your blog address into Mr. Brandt's computer. Then click "Create Blog"

8. Click "New Post"

9. Title your post something descriptive. Then type what you would like to say on your blog post.

10. Click the little picture icon to upload a picture.

11. Click "Choose Files"

12. Select a jpeg formatted picture and click "Choose"

13. Let the file upload and then click "Add Selected"

14. Click update to finish your post. If you don't do this your post will not be saved and published.

 15. Your blog is complete; it has text and pictures. SUCCESS!